News & Events

Cultivating Success

Not For Profit

Does the predicted legacy boom offer forward thinking charities some much needed good news?

10th December 2020

A new joint report from the Institute of Legacy Management (ILM), Remember A Charity, Legacy Foresight and the Smee & Ford, a publisher that specialises in legacy commentary, predicts a legacy boom that could be worth up to £40...

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General & People

Our Webinars to talk Brexit

3rd December 2020

With less than a month to go to Brexit we have put together two webinars pre-Brexit and post-Brexit, you will hear what is currently decided and what is still under discussion. We also expect there will be many more questions...

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NHS England finalises its guidance for Primary Care Networks

30th November 2020

The PCN Development Support Guidance and Prospectus originally published in August 2019 has just been updated. The new document [ad link] sets out the national PCN development priorities for the remainder of 2020 and 2021.  It also provides guidance...

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Staff Parties and Gifts

26th November 2020

As a “unique” 2020 ends and the festive season approaches, you may be considering Christmas parties and gifts for employees.  Here are a couple of ways to save tax on such expenditure which would normally be called as a benefit...

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What have we learned from the Office for Tax Simplification’s review of CGT?

20th November 2020

Back in August we reported that the Chancellor had asked the Office for Tax Simplification (OTS) to review the current Capital Gains Tax (CGT) rules. On 11th November the OTS published their first report. The headline is that the OTS...

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General & People

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme as of 12th November 2020 following published HMRC Guidance

13th November 2020

The government has extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ‘CJRS’ until 31 March 2021 and has now provided updated guidance with some key points below Key points The Job Support Scheme has now been postponed. The Job Retention Bonus will...

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General & People

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme – As of 2nd November 2020

2nd November 2020

Following the announcement of the four week lockdown from this Thursday, 5th November, the government has extended the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ‘CJRS’ until 1 December 2020. To confirm, this means the Job Support Scheme is now delayed and will...

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R&D tax credits: where are we today?

26th October 2020

Research and development is going to play a huge part if the UK is going to combat what could well be a very tough recession.  We have always been recognised as a highly innovative nation but that reputation is going...

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General & People

An update on some Covid 19 related areas

16th October 2020

Update on Covid 19 schemes - 16-10-20

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GPs call for unspent PCN recruitment budget to be used to upgrade premises and equipment to fight the second spike

16th October 2020

It was no surprise to hear GPs are calling for the right to redeploy the £430m of unspent primary care network (PCN) recruitment funding to help in the fight against the second spike of coronavirus. The money had originally been made available under the additional roles reimbursement scheme (ARRS).  It was...

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The New to Partnership Payment Scheme for medical professionals is finally open for applications

16th October 2020

The New to Partnership Payment Scheme for first time partners in medical practices is finally open following a series of COVID related delays. The scheme is expected to run for 2 tax years and is open to any first time...

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General & People

If you import from or export to the EU, how will Brexit affect the way you operate?

15th October 2020

Although the UK officially left the EU on the 31st January, Brexit has since been overtaken by other world events.  It is therefore no surprise that while businesses have battled for their survival during the ongoing pandemic, many may have forgotten we are...

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As a company employee, could working from home improve your tax position?

6th October 2020

It has never failed to amaze me just how quickly and easily so many of us settled in to working from home not to mention how effective and productive home working has turned out to be.  With that in mind, it’s no surprise...

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General & People

3 new grants that could help you tackle the effects of COVID and Brexit?

28th September 2020

The last few months have been tough for us all but as we continue our recovery it is interesting to note the government has made a number of additional support grants available to help businesses deal both with the aftereffects...

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General & People

Winter Economy Plan

25th September 2020

Winter economic plan announced But is it enough? We expect that in many cases reviewing how your may do things differently, which may result in redundancies, may still be the only option. Click here to download our plan.

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Not For Profit

Is your charity ready to #BeMoreDigital?

22nd September 2020

As a charity you don’t need us to tell you that COVID-19 has drastically changed the way you fundraise. With restrictions still in place, the task of engaging potential donors has moved almost exclusively online. Charities have had to adapt...

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General & People

Are you ready to celebrate National Payroll Week 2020?

7th September 2020

Rarely a day now passes without the latest image on the Google homepage reminding us there’s a new cause to celebrate. However, one that may have slipped passed you is National Payroll Week which this year will be celebrated between...

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Are more Locum GPs seeking the security of salaried positions?

3rd September 2020

It was recently reported that in response to the financial uncertainty caused by the current pandemic, as many as 1,000 GPs are actively looking to swap locum positions for the additional security of a salaried role. Chair of the National...

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GPs are facing tax problems as Primary Care Support England misses the August pension deadline

2nd September 2020

Last week Primary Care Support England (PCSE) wrote to GPs to tell them they will now have to wait until December at the earliest to receive their pension certificates for 2018/19. The certificates should have been completed by the customary...

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How will the recently announced Stamp Duty Holiday affect you

25th August 2020

One of the parts of the Chancellor’s the recent Summer Statement that garnered the bulk of the coverage is the ‘stamp duty holiday’ for house buyers in England and Northern Ireland (Scotland and Wales weren’t initially included but the Scottish...

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