Small Business Start Ups

Our accountants specialise in helping small businesses at every stage from start-up to exit
When you own and operate a small business, that business is your life. It occupies all of your working days and pretty much all your waking hours as you strive to do everything you can to make sure it is a qualified success.
However, that level of dedication means time is tight and it’s often hard to stay on top of your finances, tax returns, payroll and paperwork.
That’s where we can help.
We will start by providing you with a dedicated point of contact, someone who will really get to know your business and find out exactly what you want to achieve. We can discuss structure and shareholdings with you. Once they’ve developed that level of understanding they’ll be spot where they could be adding even more value by:
- Helping you secure additional funding or facilities from your bank
- Highlighting the possible tax credits and reliefs you may be eligible (for example R&D Tax Credits and patent box) and help you make the claims
- Identifying and help you apply for any available business grants
- Suggesting a more tax efficient structure or prepare the business for further investment from investors or private equity
- Showing you how to Make Tax Digital by adopting cloud based accounting systems like Xero
- Introducing you to our trusted network of HR professionals, bankers, lawyers and marketers when you need more specialist advice
But most of all we are here to give you a sounding board when you need a new direction or some new ideas.
Having worked with businesses just like yours for decades, we have a wealth of experience you can tap into whenever you need to. There is very little we haven’t seen over the years, so we will not only be able to share what we know works; we will also be able to foresee the potential pitfalls and help you avoid them.
We are also flexible on our fee structures to ensure it is fit for purpose with a start-up business. Often agreeing a monthly direct debit and sometimes a fee profile that changes as your business grows.